How To Receive Money On PayPal For WordPress Site?

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Do you want to accept money on PayPal for the WordPress site?

If you have a WordPress site and if you want to accept Money on PayPal, then WPForms is the best option available.

WPForms introduced a new addon by which you can integrate PayPal with WordPress form. Using PayPal, we can send, receive money all over the world without any restriction.

This article will learn how to integrate PayPal addon with WPForms and How To Receive Money On PayPal.

Install WPForms and PayPal Addon

The first step is to install the WPForms plugin and activate it.

Once you activated the plugin, you need to install the PayPal addon on WPForms.

Go to WPForms » Addon and search for PayPal. You will get a result of PayPal Standard Addon.

You have to install the PayPal Addon. To install the PayPal addon, you need to purchase the premium version of WPForms.

Create a Billing/Order Form

We can create a form for different purposes like donation, order, etc. You can create a form using WPForms predefined template, or you can start with an empty form.

For this tutorial, we will use the predefined template for the billing/order form.

Go to WPForms » Add New 

You will see the predefined form template. Next, choose the Order/Billing form. 

order/billing form

Now, your billing form is ready. The next step is to integrate the PayPal payment mode.

Enable PayPal Integration to Form

In the form builder, Go to Payment » PayPal Standard

Here, you need to check the Enable PayPal Standard Payments.

enable paypal standard

Along with it, you will have to fill below settings.

  • PayPal Email Address- Your PayPal email address where you want to receive the money.
  • Mode- You will get two options, Productions or Test/Sandbox.
  • Payment Type- Choose from Products and Services or Donations.
  • Cancel URL- If the payment gets failed, then users will redirect to this URL.
  • Shipping- If you are a business and shipping product to the user, you can ask the user to provide the address and make this a mandatory field.
  • Don’t ask the buyer to include a note with payment– You can check this to disable adding a note to the user.

Once you complete all the Settings, Save the form.

Accept Money On Paypal

You can check the Enable conditional logic option if you want a more dynamic form.

Once you enable the conditional logic, you will get few settings under it.

Accept Money On Paypal
  • Process- What would happen when the condition met.
  • Select Field– Rule will be applied to the selected field.
  • is- Choose the comparison, includes (isis notemptynot emptycontainsdoes not containstarts withends withgreater than, and less than).
  • Select Choice- What value you would like to contain to make this condition true.

To make this simpler, here is the example for conditional logic.

You will receive money on PayPal if the user is signed up for our services.

First, we need to add the dropdown field to the form, and here you can choose the user to signup.

If then choose to sign up , then conditional logic would be like this.

Process the PayPal payment, if the user signed up for our services.

In this way, you can apply conditional logic, and it’s optional.

Receive Test PayPal Payment

To test your first PayPal payment with a newly created form, you need to do two things.

PayPal Sandbox Account- You will get it on the PayPal developer site. Log in to the PayPal developer site with PayPal credentials.

Go to Sandbox » Accounts and there you will see two existing accounts for testing purposes.

You can set the password in the Manage Accounts section to one account to check the payment status.

test paypal emails

Now, we will have to configure this test PayPal email address with the Form.

You need to create a form like I discussed above and need to make two changes to it.

First, refer to PayPal Integration with Forms section above.

Then, enter the test PayPal email address and set the Mode to Test/Sandbox.

Publish the Payment Form

The next step is to embed your form on the Payment page.

How To Receive Money Through PayPal

Enter the sample values and submit them. You will be redirected to the PayPal site, log in with test PayPal credentials, and make payments.

Accept Money On Paypal

To confirm the payment again, log in to test the PayPal account and go to Sandbox » Notification.

There you can see the last payment received through the test PayPal account receipt.

Once you confirm the payment is received to your test account, you can make this setup for production.

To enable the PayPal integration, you will need to buy the WPForms premium plugin.

In this way, you can receive money on PayPal using WPForms PayPal addon.

Here are the few tutorials on WPForms addon, you would love to read it.

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