How To Track File Downloads in WordPress Site?

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Do you have any downloadable resources on your blog like eBooks, WordPress Plugins, Themes, etc.? 

Do you want to track the number of downloads and check the performance of each resource? 

MonsterInsights WordPress plugin helps you with that. In addition, we can easily set up a download tracking in WordPress using the MonsterInsight plugin.

Last time, I have written a few articles about the MonsterInsights plugin. If you find it useful, then do read it.

We can do many things in MonsterInights like setting Google analytics for a blog, scroll depth tracking, tracking sales in WooCommerce sites, etc.

Today, I will tell you another important feature of MonsterInsights using which you can easily track the number of downloads in Google Analytics. This is very useful for those who provide downloadable resources on their blog.

Here are the steps to enable file download tracking in MonsterInsights.

Install MonsterInsights and configure Google Analytics

The first step is to install the MonsterInsights plugin and configure the Google analytics in it.

Don’t worry. It will take only a few minutes to do it. I have written a complete guide to set up Google Analytics with the help of MonsterInsights. Please follow the steps.

Once you set up Google Analytics, you are almost done. You can download the premium version of MonsterInsights here.

Add file extensions

By default, Monsterinights track the following file extensions doc, exe, js, pdf, ppt, tgz, zip, xlsx. If you want to add more extensions to it, then you can add it.

Go to Insights » Settings » Tracking » File Downloads

Also, we have to set up a file download tracking as Event or Pageview. This is useful to track the downloading in Google Analytics. Choose it Event to track the file as events in Google Analytics.

Add your desired file extensions and save them.

View file downloads

You can view the file downloads stats in the MonsterInights dashboard and Google Analytics as well.

To view file downloads in MonsterInisghts, navigate to Insights » Report » Publishers Report.

and you will see the download report.

View download stats in Google Analytics

Log in to your Google Analytics account and choose the website on which you have enabled the download tracking.

If you have enabled the download tracking as page views, then you can find out the download report in the All pages section. You can check it by navigating to Behaviour » Site Content » All Pages.

If you have enabled the download tracking using Events, then you can see the download reports in the Behavior » Events in Google Analytics. You would see different sections.

  • Overview– Here, you will get the summary of the download report.
  • Top Events– Here, you can check the popular events on your site.
  • Pages– Here, you can see the pages/post where your downloadable resources are present.
  • Event Flow- It shows which events keep your visitor engaged with your site.

You can check the Top Events.

and Go to the Download to get the detailed reports.

In Google Analytics, all the download tracking is tracked under the Download event. Suppose you refer to the below snapshot of the real-time download event. You can see detailed information on real-time events like Event action, Labels, etc.

  • Event category- All the downloads are categorized as Download.
  • Event Action- It is the full URL of download resources.
  • Event Label- It is the label of href attribute which you used in your site.

Final Words

That’s it. This is all about tracking the downloads in a WordPress site using the MonsterInsights plugin.

MonsterInsights will also help you with Scroll Depth Tracking, Author Tracking, Event tracking, etc. You can refer to the below tutorials.

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