Things to do After Installing WordPress

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In my last article, I have explained how to install WordPress locally using the XAMPP server, and also, I have explained how to install WordPress on Bluehost hosting.

Once you installed WordPress on your favorite hosting, there are few things that you need to do.

By default, you will see the default settings everywhere in your WordPress dashboard. Sometimes the default setting is not proper, or we don’t need that setting. To make it better we need to update it.

In this article, I will tell you the things to do after installing WordPress to make your blog smooth running.

Uninstall unnecessary plugins

By default, your hosting provider will install a few WordPress plugins at the time of installation. Also, WordPress itself installs default plugins. You can check these plugins first if you find them valuable and necessary you can keep them otherwise you can deactivate/delete them.

Navigate to Plugins » Installed plugins, click on Deactivate and delete the plugin.

Wordpress plugins deactivate

Delete default themes

By default, your hosting provider installs the default WordPress themes. In most cases, we don’t require it. If you are installing your theme, then you can delete the preinstalled themes. It will take additional hosting space.

You can delete the themes by going Appearance » Themes

Note- You won’t be able to delete the currently activated theme if you want to delete it first activates another theme and then delete the theme.

Delete default post and comment

By default, WordPress is come up with a few posts and comments for the demo purpose. We don’t need this stuff, so we can quickly delete it by visiting post » all post

Select all the posts and click on the delete, it will go to the trash, then remove it from the trash as well.

General Setting Update

The next task is to update the general setting for your blog like your blog info, your info, etc. You can do this in the Setting » General tab.

Wordpress general setting update

Here, you can find the updated information for the blog and some other typical settings like date and time format. You can set which you want.

NOTE- Make sure that you have unchecked the ‘Anyone can register’ tab because this tab will allow the readers to register on your blog without any approval.

Reading Setting

If you want to configure the number of posts visible on your home page then you can update it in the Setting » Reading section.

Also, if you want to set the custom landing page for home, then you can set it here.

NOTE- Don’t check the search engine visibility box because it will stop the indexing of your blog and your blog will not appear in Google search.

Permalink Setting

This is a very important setting for SEO. By default, the permalink setting is set to the Month and name. I recommend you to set it as a post name as it is SEO-friendly URL.

Wordpress permalink setting

Media Setting

By default, WordPress will create the different sizes of thumbnails for each media which you upload. This is not necessary, and it will take server space.

You can stop WordPress to create this extra thumbnail. You can do the same by navigating  Setting » Media

To prevent this, you should update all the sizes as ‘0’. Refer to the below screenshot

wordpress media setting

User Profile Update

You should update the user profile completely. In this, you have to set your name and the display name which will appear as the author of all your posts. Also, you have to update the social media pages for the author(YOU).

You can update this setting here Users » My profile

user profile update in WordPress

Install the Plugins

Once you have updated the configurations as above, it’s time to install the necessary plugins as per your requirements. The WordPress plugins totally depend on your requirement, but I can tell you what plugins I have installed for this blog.

Once, you update the above setting, and then you are ready to write articles and customize your blog.

If I have missed anything that we should configure after installing WordPress, then let our readers know. Do comment below.

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  1. sabih ul Hasan

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