If you have started a new blog and you are thinking that the next day you will get enough traffic, that’s not true. At the same time if your blog is old and still you are not getting enough traffic then there is something wrong with your blog.
I am facing the same issue with my blog. Initially, I was not getting organic traffic, but still, I have not stopped working on my blog.
slow and steady win the race
In this article, I will explain the possible reasons for not getting traffic to your blog. You can check what you are missing in your blog and try to implement it and see the result.
Keyword Research
Writing quality content is not enough for getting traffic. You have to find the right keyword for your article and use it smartly. Also, you can find the LSI keywords and use them along with your targeted keywords. If you are not using keywords in blog posts then you will not get enough organic traffic.
When I started this blog I wasn’t aware of keyword research, I was writing a blog post without adding keywords. I was not getting enough traffic, later I started adding keywords then my traffic improved a bit.
If you are not adding any keywords, then start now. Find proper keywords and try to optimize them. Google will love your content.
Content is king in blogging. If you are writing an article on any topic then you should provide all information. If your content is not satisfying readers then they will not visit your blog.
I would recommend before writing any post, find out what readers want from you and then write accordingly. If your content is good, then only readers will come back to your blog. You have to win the trust of users through your writing.
Post Structure
If you are writing a blog post with proper sequence and structure then the reader will get confused. You should organize your post properly with the proper title, permalink, meta description, tags, etc.
- Post Title– Write an attractive and eye-catching title for your blog post. Almost half of the people will click on the link by looking at the title.
- Meta Description– Write a small description of your post, it will be beneficial for SEO.
- Permalink- Keep your permalink small and meaningful for your blog post.
- Tags– You should organize your post properly by using tags.
All the above points are related to SEO, if you implement it properly then you will definitely see results in organic traffic. If you are missing anything then you should try adding it.
If you are not adding images to your blog post then you are doing the biggest mistake. I would recommend you create compelling images for all your blog posts. You can use any tool for image creation, I am using Canva, it’s a free tool.
You should add an alt tag for all your images. You can use the targeted keywords in the alt tag.
Blog Speed
If your blog is loading slowly then readers will find out another blog that loads faster than you.
Blog speed is one of the important Google ranking factors. You should improve your blog speed. There are many factors by which you can improve your blog speed. You can use a good theme and better hosting.
I would recommend you to use the GeneratePress theme and any VPS hosting like Vultr, Linode, Digital Ocean, etc.
You can use GTmetrix for checking blog speed.
If you are a blogger then you must be using social media for your blog. People are very active on social media, you should promote your blog on all social media platforms.
I will tell you what I do after the publishing of the blog post
- Share blog posts on all social media Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
- Share blog posts on all groups, communities, etc.
- Answer questions related to your post on Quora and other forums and give your blog reference.
Use the 80-20 formula for your promotion strategy and the more you promote your content more you get traffic.
Final Words
I have learned a few things in my blogging journey, I will share them here, hope you will get the benefit from them.
- Blogging is not one day process. It will take days, weeks, months, and years, depending on your job.
- If you want to succeed in blogging then never give up, try to find out what you are missing and start working on it.
- There is no lift for success, you need to take stairs for that.
- Don’t compare your work or progress with others, you don’t know what problems and situations they are facing.
- Focus on your dreams; don’t lie to yourself.
- Don’t copy others, create your path, and move on.
- Keep in mind that you are the creator of your empire.
I would not give a guarantee that if you follow all the above points then it will improve your traffic but definitely, it will make you a good blogger, and also at some points it will help you to get traffic.
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